Grant Feature- "Joy For All"

Recently the Gamma Sigma Chapter Kappa, Kappa, Kappa, Inc. applied to the Parke County Community Foundation for “Joy for All Companion Pets” for the Rockville Nursing and RehabCenter. The robotic dogs & cats are used in nursing homes as therapy for elderly who suffer memory loss from aging as well as loneliness, and depression. These are maintenance-free, realistic, interactive mechanical dogs & cats. They provide companionship for those patients who have no relatives, relatives who do not visit, or those who have pets that they had to leave behind when they required full-time nursing home care. These pets are interactive (they move when you pat the back of their neck, they will nuzzle your hand when you pat their cheeks, you experience a heartbeat when you pat their back. If patients don't interact with the pet, they will take a nap.) Patients who have these pets available have a much more positive attitude, more active interaction with other patients, in short more incentive to lead more positive lives in an often lonely existence. Research has shown that appetites improve, participants engage in more social activities, & interaction between patients improves. This grant purchased 6 cats and 5 dogs for the residents.